Paddy O’Donoghue

Paddy O’Donoghue was head of the Irish Republican Army in Manchester 1919-1921, co-ordinating jail escapes and attacks on buildings. He was jailed in 1921 but freed after the treaty was signed between Britain and the Republican government in 1922.

The leader of the IRA in Manchester between 1919 and 1921, Paddy O’Donoghue, was a native of Barraduff, Killarney who ran a grocers shop on Lloyd Street, Greenheys. Before the War of Independence he was best known as the organiser of the annual Irish concert at the Free Trade Hall but he was also intimately involved in the Republican movement in Manchester. O’Donoghue was a close friend of Michael Collins, who had been his best man when Paddy married Violet Gore. Collins apparently brought him into his intelligence and arms-smuggling network in England as early as 1917.

In February 1919 O’Donoghue played a key role in the escape of Eamon De Valera from Lincoln Jail. De Valera was very anxious to get out of jail and go to the United States to present the Irish case for self-determination. A devout Catholic, he served at Mass with the prison chaplain and managed to get an impression in the wax of a candle of the master key . The design was copied onto a Christmas card by Sean Milroy and sent to Sean McGarry’s wife in Ireland but she failed realise the significance of the design. The three prisoners then wrote to Paddy O’Donoghue in Irish and he contacted Collins immediately. A key was then cut to the design and smuggled into the jail in a cake but it did not fit the lock. A further card with the key design was sent to O’Donoghue with the words “ Eocair na Saoirse” (The Key To Freedom”). O’Donoghue had another key cut in Manchester and sent it in but once again it failed to work. Collins now came to England to personally take charge of the operation.

A further key was made inside the jail and on 3rd February, by prior arrangement, three prisoners made their way to the front door of the jail where Michael Collins and his close friend Harry Boland were waiting along with Frank Kelly. Disaster seemed to have struck when Collins’ key broke as he put it in the lock. Fortunately De Valera was able to push the broken key out with his own copy and open the door. The three prisoners made their way to where O’Donoghue was waiting with transport.

Collins and Boland went to London and then back to Dublin. The others journeyed back to Manchester by way of Sheffield. Milroy and McGarry were hidden by leading Manchester IRA commander Liam MacMahon in his own house, while De Valera stayed with a local priest, Father Charles O’Mahony. The police were looking for De Valera, of course, and MacMahon was warned by Thomas Walsh, a sympathetic detective in the Manchester force, that they were getting close. On 18th February, dressed as a priest and escorted by two young Irish women, De Valera travelled back to Dublin. At the beginning of June he went to the United States.

O’Donoghue was involved in another extraordinary episode when he arranged for two young boys to be kidnapped from Barry in South Wales. They were the children of Josephine Marchmont , who worked in the Cork military barracks as a secretary to a senior British officer. She had impeccable security credentials, being the daughter of a Head Constable in the RIC, while her husband had been killed in the war. Her children, however, were in the custody of her mother-in-law in Wales.

Michael Collins learned of this and offered Josephine a deal in which he would arrange for the children to be brought back to Ireland if she would pass information to the IRA. She agreed and with the assistance of Paddy O’Donoghue the two boys were seized and brought to Manchester, where they stayed in his house and were then taken to Cork to be reunited with their mother. Josephine kept her side of the bargain and her information was invaluable to the IRA. Her deception was apparently never uncovered by the British authorities.

In April 1919 a number of IRA prisoners were transferred to Strangeways from Belfast after disturbances there over the issue of political status. Their leader was Austin Stack, Sinn Fein MP for West Kerry, who had commanded the Kerry brigade during the Easter Rising and had been sentenced to death, though this had been commuted to life imprisonment. Also in the prison in Manchester was Piaras Beaslai, Sinn Fein MP for East Kerry.

In August Fionan Lynch, Sinn Fein MP for Kerry South, was released from Strangeways and made contact with Paddy O’Donoghue and Liam MacMahon, who set in motion an escape plan. Violet O’Donoghue arranged for messages and maps to be sent into the prison baked in cakes or buried in butter and jam. Collins followed the development of the plans closely and wrote to Beaslai several times using a code. Rory O’Connor was sent over to examine the plans, followed soon after by Collins himself who actually visited Stack in Strangeways, using a false name and unrecognized.

The escape took place on Saturday 25th October. A dummy pistol already been smuggled into the prison in butter while the prisoners had got hold of handcuffs from a sympathetic Irish policeman in Manchester. They overcame the prison warder on duty, gagging him and placing him in a cell, and then rushed into the prison yard where a rope with a weight was thrown over and, after some mishaps, came within their grasp. The prisoners hauled on the rope, bringing over a rope-ladder, and each in turn climbed up it and over the wall.

Outside the prison some twenty men from Manchester, including Paddy O’Donoghue, held up the street and preventing anyone from passing the prison. Beaslai was taken by a young men named George Lodge in a taxi and then by tram to his house in a Manchester suburb while others made their escape on bicycles. After a week Collins visited Stack and Beaslai and three days later Liam MacMahon and George Lodge escorted them to Liverpool from where they were smuggled home in a steamer to be met by Joe O’Reilly, Collins’ right hand man, at the quayside. The other escapees were Paddy McCarthy (later killed in action), Sean Doran, DP Walsh, and Con Connolly.

According to the report of the escape in the Manchester Guardian the IRA men left behind a letter exonerating the warder from any blame. Sean Doran was later recaptured in Ireland and brought back to Manchester where he was sentenced on 18th July 1921 to two months imprisonment for escaping, to run concurrent with the unexpired sentence of 12 months. Piaras Beaslai played a small but important part in Irish history when on 14th January 1922 he moved the motion to approve the Treaty at a meeting of members of the Southern Irish Parliament, convened by Arthur Griffith as chair of the Irish delegation to London.

The most spectacular series of IRA operations in Manchester took place on 2nd April 1921 when between 6am and 7am a number of Volunteers tried to set fire to offices, hotels and cafes in the city centre. Later that same evening a large number of armed police raided the Irish Club on Erskine Street, Hulme and shot dead Sean Morgan, a member of the IRA. The police arrested a large number of men at the Irish Club and also picked up others over the weekend, including Paddy O’Donoghue (a memorial to Sean Morgan was unveiled in Moston cemetery on the ninth anniversary of his death in 1930.)

The arrested men appeared in court on 4th April with the Chief Constable of Manchester present, accompanied by many officers. The prosecution produced dozens of revolvers and cans of petrol as evidence, claiming that the Irish Club was an arsenal or base of operations from which outrages in Manchester had been planned and carried out.

The twenty-one accused appeared in court again on 26th April before the stipendiary magistrate Edgar Brierley. There was tight security with every entrance to the court guarded by police and even the press having to show cards before they were admitted. A number of men, including Paddy O’Donoghue, were charged with the attempted murder of police officers and there were numerous other charges, including one of “making war against the King”. The police prosecutor claimed that one of the defendants, Daniel McNicholl, had admitted that there were 60 men in the IRA in Manchester, formed into three companies, one based at Albion Street and two at Erskine Street. In a confession to the Chief Constable, McNicholl had also alleged that O’Donoghue held high rank in the IRA and had shot a police officer.

The trial of those charged with treason-felony began on 7th July at the Manchester Assizes before Justice Rigby Swift with the prosecution led by the Attorney General himself, Sir Gordon Hewart. Nineteen men were now charged with treason felony, as well as with arson and shooting with intent to murder. The Attorney General alleged that Paddy O’Donoghue had hired a garage at 67 Upper Chorlton Road, Whalley Range on 13th November of the year before, which had been used to store explosives and firearms. On 25th May the police had arrested a number of men when they came to the garage to retrieve materials, presumably believing that the coast would be clear as some weeks had passed since the arrests of their colleagues. He also alleged that O’Donoghue had shot Constable Boucher at Bridgewater House in the chest and arm.

There was a dramatic incident in court on Monday 11th July. Over the weekend the Irish Republican government and the British government had finally concluded a truce in the armed conflict, which would come into force at noon. At that precise moment one of the defendants Charles Harding gave an order in Gaelic and the rest of the prisoners sprang to their feet and stood to attention for a moment, resuming their seats after another instruction from Harding. That same day, amidst scorching weather, Eamonn De Valera arrived in London to begin talks with the British Government and hundreds of Irish people greeted him at Euston railway station.

On 13th July O’Donoghue made a statement from the dock in which he pleaded guilty to the charge with respect to the garage admitting that the arms had been paid for by him as an officer in the IRA. “It is my firm belief that had the IRA been better equipped negotiations for the settlement now in progress would have long since been held”. He denied however having anything to do with shooting policemen. “I have always fully realised that I was committing an offence against the constitution of this country in smuggling arms to Ireland but at the same time I felt I was morally bound to help my country to regain its freedom”. Sean Wickham also made a speech from the dock, adding that he was an officer in the IRA. Addressing the court he contended that the signing of the truce was virtually a recognition of the claim of the accused to be treated as prisoners of war and he also rejected the Treason Felony Act.

The Manchester trial was raised in the House of Commons by Captain Redmond, Irish Nationalist MP for Waterford, who asked Lloyd George whether the Crown would discontinue the charges of conspiracy against certain Irishmen now being held at Manchester Assizes. In his reply Lloyd George claimed that they had pleaded guilty (which was a lie) and were entitled to a verdict.

Captain Redmond persisted, asking a logical question. “How can the government reconcile their actions in taking proceedings against certain Irishmen in England for conspiring with whom the government themselves are at present entering upon open negotiations during a period of truce?” Lloyd George dodged the question, merely repeating his previous answer.

Only two men – Nicholas Keogh and Daniel Mullen – were acquitted by the jury. The rest were found guilty and sentenced to varying lengths of prison.

The Treaty was finally signed in the early hours of 6th December 1921 but fell well short of the independent Republic the Irish had already proclaimed, conceding only Dominion status to twenty six counties of Ireland within the British Empire under the title of the Irish Free State and confirming the partition of Ireland for six out of nine counties of Ulster under the political and military domination of the Unionist Party.

After a lengthy and sometimes bitter debate Dail Eireann approved the Treaty on 7th January 1922 with 64 votes in favour and 57 against. Sinn Fein had already effectively split into two camps with De Valera opposing the Treaty and Collins and Griffith supporting it.

Republican prisoners in jails in Ireland had been let out as soon as the Treaty was signed, as had those imprisoned in Britain for offences committed in Ireland. Those convicted of offences committed in Britain still remained in jail, however, and on 11th February the Irish Self Determination League organised a demonstration in Trafalgar Square to press for their release. Five columns of Irish people carrying tricolours marched in from different parts of London. and were addressed by Art O’Brien and Alderman John Scurr. There was an unexpected third speaker – Shaun Wickham from Manchester – released that morning from Wandsworth Prison. Still dressed in his prison clothes of a cheap grey coat and striped trousers, he shivered in the February cold. The Manchester Guardian wondered why his friends had not bought him a warm coat.

Wickham had been freed because the previous day the British and Irish governments had simultaneously issued statements of amnesty. Collins’ statement granted amnesty to the British aimed forces and civil service “in respect of all acts committed in the course of the recent hostilities”, while the British statement (issued by the Colonial Office and not the Home Office) granted the immediate release of prisoners now in custody “for offences committed prior to the treaty in Great Britain from Irish political motives”.

Back in Manchester prisoners were also released from Strangeways and the authorities told the Evening Chronicle that all the Irishmen imprisoned there for political offences had now been released. So unexpected was their release that there was no welcoming crowd. The following day, however, thousands marched to London Road station to greet ex-prisoners, although they actually arrived at different stations. Several men eventually did make their way to the station and were given a tumultuous welcome and, Irish band playing, escorted to Central Station. Some sixty other prisoners were released and most went to London.

Paddy O’Donoghue left England for Ireland and in his later years managed a greyhound stadium.

Article by Michael Herbert. Michael is author of The Wearing of the Green: A Political History of the Irish in Manchester (2000), copies of which can be bought by contacting Michael directly at mossley [at]

43 thoughts on “Paddy O’Donoghue

  1. Pingback: Manchester’s Radical History – Työväenhistorian uutisvirtaa

  2. Pingback: Irish Republican Operations in Manchester 1920-1922 « Manchester's Radical History

  3. My daughter sent me your link. I am Paddy O’Donoghue’s grand-daughter living in Shrewsbury, with, strangely enough two sons at Manchester Uni not that far from where the Grocery shop run by Paddy and Violet selling Irish produce was. Please get in touch with me so that I can forward to relatives so that they can fill you in with any missing links

    • Geraldine
      I would appreciate you getting in contact with me at donie_os@eircom .net. I have seen a photo of Paddys wedding and I am hoping to put some names on faces.My grandmother was Kate o Donoghue and would appear to be a 1st cousin to Paddy which means we are someway related

    • Dear Geraldine

      I too have a photo of Paddy O’Donoghue’s wedding, and like Donie, am trying to put names to faces.

      If this message reaches you safely perhaps we could exchange further info.

      My connection is twofold – through my direct family, one of my uncles, Con (Cornelius) Cronin is in the photo, and an aunt of mine was married to Paddy O’Donoghue in Manchester who was either a son of your Paddy O’Donoghue, or otherwise related.

      If I am correct that my Uncle Paddy was a son, then you are probably a daughter of his brother who I knew as Uncle Danny

      Best wishes
      Bill Egan (Australia)

      • Doesn’t look like there’s anybody out there but just in case, a revision to my earlier message. A quick calculation says my Uncle Paddy was probably too old to be the son of the Manchester Paddy O’Donoghue who is the subject of this web site, but he lived in Manchester, ran a Coronation Street style corner grocery store and off-licence at 2 Hannah St, Collyhurst (later renamed Halford Street, and now demolished) and had a brother named Danny, and our family tradition, including the handed down wedding photo, has always said they were related, and that we had connections pre-dating my Aunt’s marriage to our Paddy. He also had two sisters, Mary and Kathleen, who settled back in Tralee and Mary owned the now defunct Railway Bar there for amny years. Happy to hear further info
        Bill Egan
        PS The requirement to leave a plain text e-mail address exposes all correspondents to ending up on spammers lists, as they trawl the Net for such addresses.

    • Dear Geraldine,
      I am also related to Paddy O’Donoghue who founded Shelbourne Park Greyhound Stadium in Dublin. He was a cousin of my grandfather’s, but I have been trying to find out exactly how they were related in vain. My grandfather was called Michael ‘Killarney’ O’Donoghue, born in Killarney in 1890 to Daniel and Ellen. He was a bookmaker with shops in Killarney and Dublin. His son was Michael Francis ‘Frankie’, my father, who was also a bookie. We spent holidays in Killarney with Paddy’s son, Paud, and his family in Lackabane, Fossa. They eventually emigrated to Canada, where he died about 2 years ago. His wife, Joan (nee Cronin) still lives there. My grandfather was an only child, but his father, Daniel, was one of 9 children of Michael and Ellen O’Donoghue of Gortdromakerrie, Muckross. I would be delighted if you could share your family information with me; I know Paddy was married to Violet Gore in early 1919 in Dublin, but who were his parents and grandparents. If you could supply this information, I might be able to make the link.
      Best wishes,

    • Hello

      I am Michael ( Mikey Patsy ) O’Donoghue’s grandson living in Qld Australia.

      Connecting with “cousins” from a distance.


    • My wife (Mary/Maureen) and I are researching the Gore family. My wife’s Granny was Mary Josephine Gore a 1st cousin of Violet’s. We are interested in any information about Violet and Paddy and their family and especially if there are any photographs of the Gore’s.

      We would be very pleased to hear from you and in sharing any information we have with you.

      I can be contacted at brian(dot)mckeown1(at)gmail(dot)com. This needs to be converted by replacing (dot) with . and (at) with @

  4. I am working on a family history of the O Sullivan family of Minish ,Killarney,Co.Kerry.My grandfather Daniel married a Catherine(Kate)Donoghue from Barraduff near Killarney in 1891.Kates father was Daniel O Donoghue who married Margaret(Peggy) O Callaghan in 1866.I know that Paddy O Donoghue is related to Kate but not sure how, possibly a Nephew.I think that Paddy’s parents may have been Patrick O Donoghue and Margaret McCarthy.I have seen a photo in a magazine of Paddy,s and Violet,s wedding but no details of where or when.If someone has any information that may be of help please do e mail me

  5. Donie,

    I think Kate was Paddy’s first cousin. I think she was Kate Dan John, and Paddy was Patie Patsie John. I remember by Dad, who was Hugh Hugh Dan John telling me Dan married an O’Callaghan from the county bounds. You can email me at

  6. Just to reassure anyone wanting to comment on this site – contrary to Bill Egan’s statement above (“PS The requirement to leave a plain text e-mail address exposes all correspondents to ending up on spammers lists, as they trawl the Net for such addresses”) giving an email address when commenting on Manchester Radical History will not lead to you being spammed – the email is requested so that if your comment needs to be followed up on we can contact you. It is not included anywhere public on this site – the only information you enter which stays online is your name and, if you include one, a link to another website.

    • Sarah
      Apologies, you are correct – I see my own e-mail address when I reply but not other peoples, so nothing is visible to the world at large,
      Anyway the spammers got me long ago 🙂

  7. Reply to Bill Egans message.
    My grandmother Kate O Donoghue had a sister Mary , better known as Minnie, who married a John Cronin from Doocarrig near Rathmore in County kerry,Ireland.I would like to know if your Con Cronin is any relation.

    Donie O Sullivan

    • Donie – I wonder if we are related by marriage. My great-grandmother Elizabeth Cronin from Doocarrig had a brother John (1870-1947) who stayed on the family farm and married a Mary O’Donoghue from Barraduff about 1903. Reading this article makes me wonder if Mary was related to the famous Paddy O’Donoghue, I have to start digging!

  8. i am paddy odonoghues granddaughter and his daughter brenda ( one of nine children)would be happy to hear from anyone with family contacts

    • Hi Debby
      My uncle Con Cronin is one of the people in the photo of Paddy O’Donoghue’s wedding. His sister, my aunt Daisy Cronin married a Paddy O’Donoghue who owned a grocery store at Hannah Street in Manchester. It’s now long gone but as kids my relatives and I spent many happy hoidays there. We have always understood he was related to your Paddy O’Donoghue though never sure what the relationship was. He had a brother Danny O’Donoghue, who I believe may also have had a grocery store, and two sisters, Mary and Kathleen, who later went back to live in Tralee, where Mary owned the Railway Bar (also long gone) in the 1950s. Do you or your family know of any connection with these folk?
      Bill Egan

      • Baptised 17 March Patrick (born 1847) M Catherine McCarthy (Married 1875)
        Upr Barraduff (Farm) |
        Catherine M Hugh O’Donoghue | b. 1893 Klicolman, Asdee (Paud, Nuala, Eamonn, Siobhan)
        Violet Gore M Paddy O’Donoghue | b. 1887 (Manchester (IRA) & Dublin) (Peggy, Brenda, Phil, Walter, Hugh, Podge, Jerry, Donal, Sean)
        Margaret O’Donoghue | b. 1884 (M. to O’Donoghue, Barraduff no relation, ) (Children: Dennis J. & Hannah)
        Mary O’Donoghue | b.1881 (M. James Lynch, Ballaugh, 5 children: Jimmy, Paddy, Nora, Mary and ?)
        Mary O’Leary M Michael P O’Donoghue b. 1880 Upr Barraduff (Farm) M. 1912 Patrick Donal Mai Greta John
        | Daniel O’Donoghue b. 1877 (Holyoke, Massachusetts) (M. Margaret, No issue)
        | John O’Donoghue b.1875 (Manchester – 4 children) (Paddy, Danny, (Kathleen, Mary – Railway Bar, Tralee))

    • Hello Debby, I have a family connection by marriage to the Donoghues of Barraduff – my great-grandmother Elizabeth Cronin of Doocarrig Mor had a brother John (1870-1947) who stayed on the family farm and married a Mary Donoghue from Barraduff, in about 1903. I do not have any information about Mary so I do not know if she is related to Paddy. If you get this and reply back I will be happy to see what you might now. Thanks.

  9. Great article. I also have a picture of Paddy and Violet’s wedding and didn’t know its provenance until now. It’s signed to my grandmother, ‘Gypsy’ Walker (stage name, Betty King), and my grandaunt, Maire Nic Shiubhlaigh. Both were founder actresses of the Abbey Theatre and Maire led Cumann na mBan in Jacobs in 1916. Her husband was Collins’ director of organisation. I love the thought that they had a crystal-clear shot of Collins hanging on their wall for the duration of the war. I’m sure the British would have loved to have got their hands on that…

  10. Help!!! I have recently discovered that it is possible that my Grandfather, Michael Glennon, of Dublin played some part in the Springing of 6 prisoners from Strangeways Jail, in Manchester in 1919; I was told that a Chaplain named Canon Castle would also have played some part. How do I go about researching this please?

  11. I have a copy Of Paddy and Violet’s wedding photograph.Violet Gore’s bridesmaid was Mary Healy (from Donoughmore,Co.Cork) and she was also very active in the movement in Manchester.She took an active part in the prison escapes and also in the Marchmont affair.History has all but forgotten her involvement.

  12. My father Thomas Clusker and Violrt gore were first cousins and I would be very interested on any information on her family and if anyone could put names to faces on the wedding photo in last Sunday’s Independent.Thanking you.

    • My wife’s Granny, Mary Josephine Gore, was a cousin of Violet. We have been working on the family tree and came across the name Laurence Clusker marrying Mary Frances Gore in Dublin on the 15th August 1879. I am assuming they would be your grandparents?

      If you are interested in sharing information we would be delighted to pass on what we have.

      My email address is

  13. Hello Geardine Evansi in Shrewsbury.I am Frances Gore’s Grandaughter and she was Violet.s aunt and would appreciate any information on the Gore family that you may have.Thank you.

  14. I am Hugh Cashman, Grandson to Paddy O’Donoghue, Son to Peggie O’Donoghue. As there is great interest at the moment, it would be interesting to put names on the faces of this historic picture. Maybe putting the picture on a Face book page, would allow those who know to “tag” the picture. I would be very interested in any other ideas. I can be reached at


    • My wife’s Granny, Mary Josephine Gore, was a cousin of Violet. We have been working on the family tree and came across the name Laurence Clusker marrying Mary Frances Gore in Dublin on the 15th August 1879. I am assuming they would be your grandparents?

      If you are interested in sharing information we would be delighted to pass on what we have.

      • Hello Brian have just read your comment with great interest.My grandmother was Frances Gore and my grandfather Laurence Clusker. I would be most interested to hear about the family tree.

  15. I found Paddy’s witness statement on the Bureau of Military History web site recently and am writing an article for The O’Donoghue Society October journal about him and the events with which he was associated. I have searched for a photo of him without success, Can anyone send me one please? Many thanks.

    Rod O’Donoghue
    Author of ‘Heroic Landscapes: Irish Myth and Legend’ and ‘O’Donoghue People and Places’
    Founder of The O’Donoghue Society and The Irish Folklore Centre

  16. Just to keep the flow. There are 31 people in the classic Paddy O’Donoghue wedding picture. Just from these posts we can name 6.
    1, Violet Gore
    2.Paddy O’Donoghue
    3. Micheal Collins
    4.Mollie O’Donoghue ( dont know if husband is in Photo ) and don’t know which one she is.
    5. Con Cronin ( dont know which )
    6, Mary Healy ( Brides maid ) dont know which.

    so 25 to name, not sure how to go about it.

    In reading the witness statement provided by Rod O’Donoghue, I would bet that some of those names are in the picture. That was a very busy year.

    Open to ideas.
    Eocair Na Saoirse

    • Since my last response here I have been home to Ireland and gleaned a bit more info about the wedding photo. The wedding took place at the Shelbourne Hotel in Dublin and the photo was taken in Stephen’s Green Park, opposite the hotel. The two adults seated on the left hand side are my Aunt Christine Cronin and my uncle Con (Cornelius) Cronin. This raises the tantalizing possibility that the little girl between them could be their youngest sibling, my mother, Josephine Cronin (further clarification need). It was also confirmed for me that the lady seated on the end far right is indeed the famous Kitty Kiernan.
      Based on the other info already provided here I have constructed a crude legend, (an MSWord table – to a man with only a hammer everything looks like a nail ) giving the known names.
      In the hope that more names can be added I am happy to e-mail a copy of the “legend” to anyone who would like one, My e-mail, with suitable amendment is

      My uncle Con told me two other names of notable people at the event, Sean Milroy and another Sean ?? (forgotten now). I can’t identify them from the photo, perhaps someone knows what Sean MIlroy looked like.
      Bill Egan

      • Just a follow-up to my earlier message re the Word table Legend to the photo.
        An updated version is available and has been sent to those whose e-mail addresses were available, saying “I have been following up some clues, either from information from some of you, or my own researches, and have now updated the draft Legend to the photo,.
        This includes identifying, with varying degrees of confidence, a number of people, including some who played a historically significant role with Paddy O’Donoghue in relation to the Lincoln Jail escape.”
        If anyone else wants a copy e-mail me at: wegan[at]
        Bil Egan (in Australia)

        PS The person I suggested was Kitty Kiernan is actually Mollie O’Donoghue. Kitty is in the photo somewhere but I’m still working on trying to establish which of the unidentified ladies is her.

      • I have been told that my late Grandfather Michael Glennon, was involved in helping to spring I.R.A prisoners from Strangeways Jail in Manchester. He was born in Co Meath in 1888, lived in Dublin and went to Liverpool after 1939, where he died in 1959. I would like to know if it was true that he was involved in this, maybe you could help me find out, or put me on the right track as to who to contact. Many thanks. Sheila.

      • I had a look at Piaras Beaslai’s insider account of the Strangeways event from “The Complete Book of IRA Jailbreaks 1918-1921”. There is no mention of a Glennon but he does say the outside party included “More than twenty Men,” . . .”mostly Liverpool and Manchester Irish”, so plenty of scope there. Perhaps an angle to follow is whether Micahel Glennon visited Liverpool or Manchester around that time.

      • I can identify at least one person in the wedding photo and probably a few more. It was attended by members of the Lee and McManus families from Manchester. Where can I view the full photo? I’ve only seen a cropped version which was printed in the Sunday Independent.
        Colman Rushe

      • As a result of new information from Brian McKeown and Colman Rushe I have updated the legend I prepared with identity information on people in the photo, 15 names now identified out of 31 with varying levels of confidence. I am happy to provide a copy of the legend (a crude Word table) to anyone else who might be interested
        Bill Egan

      • Dear Bill,
        Ca you e mail your legend of names . Can you confirm is Mary Healy bridesmaid the lady sitting holding flowers. Many thanks

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